NFS Meaning: What Does NFS Mean on Text and Social Media, Its Alternate Meanings, etc.

Gaurav Rathore
Gaurav Rathore

Tech Writer

His write-ups blend creativity, personal experience, and tailored technical advice, meeting reader needs effectively.

9 min read

You might have come across NFS while scrolling through Instagram or chatting online with friends. But, did it ever occur to you what NFS means?

It is a popular internet slang that generally means “Not For Sale” and “No Funny Stuff/Sh*t,” and its meaning changes depending on the context.

So, if you want to learn more about NFS meaning, its use cases, how to reply to them, its alternate meanings, etc., this guide will show you how.

Quick Answer:
NFS generally means “Not For Sale” and “No Funny Stuff/Sh*t.”

What Does NFS Mean?

NFS slang is known for having multiple meanings on the internet, each used in different contexts. So, to fill you in on everything, here I’ve jotted down the most common meanings.

  1. No Funny Sh*t/Stuff

    In teen slang, NFS translates to “No Funny Stuff/Sh*t.” People use it to show that they are serious about something, and one should not take it in a jokey manner. This NFS meaning is mostly used on Snapchat, TikTok, and other social media platforms to express seriousness.

    For example:

    • NFS! I’m really at my wits’ end now.
    • Mary NFS! I’m in class RN!
  1. Not For Sure

    If you have asked your friends their opinion or decision over something and they hit you back with NFS, they mean “Not For Sure.” It is used in situations when one isn’t sure about something.

    For example:

    • NFS. I’m not done with my assignments yet.
    • I’m NFS if my mom will allow the party this weekend.
  1. New Friends

    On texting and social media, NFS often refers to “New Friends.” It is used to look for new friends online.

    For example:

    • Anyone interested in joining me for LOL tonight? I’m looking for NFS.
    • I’m looking for NFS. Interested people DM me.
  1. No F*cking Secrets

    In teen text abbreviations, NFS can also translate to “No F*cking Secrets” and is only used when the sender is too close to you. It is used between friends and family, telling them not to keep any secrets.

    For example:

    • We promised to keep NFS between us, right?
    • Hey girl! What’s wrong with you? Remember, NFS?

What Does NFS Mean in Gaming?

In gaming contexts or on Wizz (a chatting app), NFS refers to the popular racing game “Need for Speed.” Players often post NFS on online forums, asking for people to join them. 

For example:

  • Is anybody up for NFS today? I’m stuck at Kurt’s Killer Ride.
  • Can I come to your house today for a NFS match? I want to try out the BMW M3 GTR.

Other than that, it has tons of other meanings that I will discuss later.

What Does NFS Mean on Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok?

Since slang terms are mostly used on social media platforms, you must know their meaning on SNS to learn how they are used. Here I’ve jotted down those alternate definitions, so take a look.

  1. Not For Sale

    NFS means “Not For Sale” in texting and social media. If there is a product listed on social media that is unavailable for purchase, the seller might put NFS in the product description. If you have DM’ed someone to inquire about a product, they might reply to you with this acronym.

    For example:

    • The watch in the image is NFS. We’ll notify you when it’s ready for sale.
    • The serum in the ad is NFS. Sorry!
  1. No Filter Sunday/No Filter Selfie

    NFS also means “No Filter Sunday” or “No Filter Selfie.” This NFS meaning is usually used on social media platforms like Instagram or Snapchat. People post pictures or videos with NFS captions or hashtags (#) to tell others they didn’t put a beauty filter on the pics since they don’t need one to feel beautiful.

    For example:

    • Feeling great in my natural skin today!💖💅 So, here’s my #NFS pics.
    • #NFS Today is all about natural beauty!🌺
  1. Not For Screenshots

    This N F S meaning is mostly used in private conversations, telling people not to take screenshots of the chats and share them with anyone. E.g. Hey, wsp I have something to share, but it’s NFS.

  1. Not Feeling Social

    When users on social media do not feel like posting and want to take a step away from their digital persona, they might post things with NFS captions that translate to “Not Feeling Social.”

    For example:

    • NFS today😶. Going on a digital detox!
  1. No Follower Syndrome

    When a social media user feels anxious and annoyed because of a lack of followers and engagement on their posts, they might suffer from NFS, i.e., “No Follower Syndrome.”

    For example, “He is suffering from NFS after his account got shadow-banned on Instagram.”

How to Use NFS?

If you are curious about how to use NFS meaning in your conversations without sounding too off or out of context, I’ve got you! Here I’ll show you how to use NFS in different contexts with examples.

  1. No Funny Stuff/Sh*t: To Express Your Seriousness

    If you were previously talking about funny things using JK or having a lighthearted conversation but now want to say something serious, you can use NFS to tell them to take it seriously.

    For example:

    • Hey, NFS anymore! I’m for real this time!
    • It’s NFS! I’m going to cancel the plans for tomorrow if you guys will keep acting this way!
  1. Not For Sale: Adding the Product Listing for Unavailable Products

    If you have posted any ads or promotional pics for your upcoming products, you’ll have to add NFS in the description to tell your followers that it’s not available for sale yet.

    For example:

    • The jewel rings are NFS. They will be coming soon next month.
    • For the interested users, the shoes are NFS!
  1. New Friends: Asking for New Friends

    Whether you are looking for new friends to hang out with or want to brag about your new friends online, you can use NFS.

    For example:

    • Looking for NFS who like Overwatch.
    • Finally on a trip to Malibu with my NFS✈️!
  1. No Filter Sunday/Selfie: While Posting Filterless Pics

    When you feel good in your skin, you might post pics without filters to show off your bare face to the real world. In these cases, you can add NFS as a caption or hashtag, like:

    • Woke up feeling cute! 🌸 #NFS
    • NFS today! Feeling pretty in my own skin today!
  1. Not For Sure: When You’re Unsure About Something

    As you can tell by a look, this meaning is mostly used when you are unsure about things. For example:

    • It’s NFS if Jake is coming to the party.
    • It’s NFS yet. I will tell you when it’s decided.

How to Reply to NFS?

Here are all the common NFS meanings and how you can reply to them.

NFS MeaningsHow to Reply
No Funny Sh*tAcknowledge or agree with the sender using “got it” or “sure thing.”
Not For SaleAcknowledge it with a simple “Okay” or “Got it.”
Not For SureAcknowledge it with “Thanks for letting me know” or ask for more information.
New FriendsIf you are interested in becoming friends, DM them with a “Hey, I’m interested.”
No Filter Sunday/SelfieReply positively to the post like “Love it!” or just send emojis.

Alternate Meanings of NFS

Apart from the meanings I’ve covered above, some other definitions of NFS exist on the internet.

  1. No Further Suggestions

    When a decision is made, someone might send NFS to say there’s no need for more discussion. This is mostly seen in group discussions and online polls where people need to decide something.

    For example: The discussion is over, so NFS!

  1. Network File System

    In the IT (Information Technology) context, where people often deal with computers and storage, the meaning of NFS is “Network File System.” A network file system is a file-sharing protocol that creates a single digital folder where people on remote computers can easily access and share files.

    For example: I’ve shared the NFS with you. Take a look!

  1. Not Further Specified

    This NFS meaning is usually seen in medical coding systems like ICD-10, where the scientists and researchers do not have much information on the illness or symptoms to diagnose it properly.

Can Kids Use NFS Slang?

Since most definitions of NFS are harmless, it’s safe to assume that NFS slang is safe for kids. 

However, what matters is the context in which they use the slang. So what the parents need to do is sit down with their child and learn the various contexts and NFS’ varying meanings based on different settings.

Other than that, though NFS is mostly safe to use, I recommend parents take charge of their kids’ online safety so they don’t come across any dangerous terms on the internet. For that, you can do a few things:

  • Ensure supervision for your child while they browse the internet.
  • Have daily chats with your children to learn what slang terms they use.
  • Install parental control apps like mSpy or Boomerang on your child’s device for 24/7 monitoring.

Wrapping Up!

Overall, NFS meaning is somewhat safe, so the parents don’t need to get all worked up!

However, there are many other teen slang terms on the internet, like KYS or Dope, that hint at involvement with dangerous activities. So, if you don’t want your children to become a part of it, you can just install parental controls on your tween’s device (only with your kids’ permission). 


What does NFS mean in a text?

NFS commonly means “No Funny Sh*t” or “Not for Sale” in text messaging.

What does NFS mean on Wizz?

NFS means “Need for Speed” in text on Wizz.

What is NFS in Snapchat?

Generally, NFS means “No Filter Selfie” in Snapchat, though sometimes it could also mean “Not for Sale” or “Not for Sharing.”

What is NFS full for?

NFS stands for “Network File System.”

What Does NFS Mean In Dating?

NFS means “No Funny Stuff” in dating.

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