WSP Meaning: What Does it Mean, Use Cases, Alternate Meaning, and More

Gaurav Rathore
Gaurav Rathore

Tech Writer

His write-ups blend creativity, personal experience, and tailored technical advice, meeting reader needs effectively.

7 min read

Did someone DM’ed you with a “WSP?”, leaving you baffled and curious about WSP meaning? If yes, don’t stress too much over it!

WSP is just a casual greeting that means “What’s Up?” and sometimes “What’s popping?” It’s internet slang that became popular in the early 2000s and is brought back by the younger generation, who love using slang.

If you are curious to know more about WSP, how kids use it, and how you can reply to it without sounding too outdated, just jump straight into the blog.

Quick Answer:
WSP means “What’s up?” or “Wassup?” It is a common slang people use in daily conversations to ask someone what they’ve been up to or how they have been.

What Does WSP Mean?

So, w.s.p meaning is “What’s up!” or “Wassup?” (Though it has many other meanings depending on the context.) It is an abbreviation word kids use in chats or social media. 

People use this slang to ask someone how they are doing or what they are up to. It’s informal slang, so it might sound rude if you use it in professional contexts, like meetings or seminars.

Since WSP meaning is versatile, you can use it in multiple contexts, like:

  • To strike up a conversation with someone. For example, Wsp Dave? How are your classes going?
  • To check if your friend is up for hanging out. For example, Wsp! Are you free tomorrow?
  • To reconnect with someone you haven’t talked to for long. For example, Wsp, it’s been so long since I last met you.

FYI, WSP means the same thing on WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, and other SNS, and even in chats.

Origins of WSP

You might think What’s Up? should be abbreviated as WU. But when you say, What’s up? repeatedly, it sounds like “Wassup?”

In 1999, Budweiser Beer released a commercial in the US where people repeatedly shouted, “Wassup?” The ad ran for almost three years and went viral during the early age of the internet. That’s how Wassup and WSP came to life.

Is it Safe for Kids to Use WSP?

Yes, it’s safe for kids to use WSP slang in daily conversations. It’s just a common internet lingo people use to strike up a conversation. So, the parents don’t need to worry too much.

Although this slang is safe, I’m not sure about every other slang on the internet. There are various internet lingos like KYS and dope that might hint towards your child’s involvement in some dangerous activities. So, you need to be careful.

I recommend you supervise your child and look over their online activities. Or, better, you can just set up parental controls on their device, but only when you have their permission to do so.

How Do People Use WSP in Conversations?

WSP is a casual way to greet someone without sounding too abrupt. Kids often use it while chatting with their friends or to strike up a conversation with a stranger.

Here are some examples of how kids use it in conversations or online chatting!

  • WSP, girly pop! How’s your exam prep going?
  • Hey, WSP? Are you coming to watch the soccer match tomorrow?
  • Wsp man! My dad bought me the tickets for the rock festival.
  • Wsp Sam? Is your cold gone now?
  • WSP!! It’s been literally ages since we last talked!
  • Wsp Mom! Is Dad home?
  • Hey WSP!! I miss you so much! When are we meeting again?

How Can You Reply to WSP?

If you are wondering how to respond to WSP slang, you can just answer with “Nothing much, what about you (or wbu)?” or “Not much, how are you doing?”

Below I’ve jotted down some examples for your reference, so take a look!

  • Person A: Wsp!!! Are you up for an online match?
  • Person B: Yes, just lemme finish my dinner.
  • Person A: Wsp man! It’s been so long. Where were you?
  • Person B: Nothing much! Just moved back home.
  • Person A: Hey, WSP?
  • Person B: Just helping my mom. What about you?

Since WSP is a simple way to greet someone, it would be better if you kept your reply casual and friendly. If you have something interesting going on in your life, you can mention that or just ask a question, as I’ve shown in the above example.

If you are constantly in touch with the person, you can just tell them exactly what you’ve been up to. However, if it’s someone you haven’t talked to in a while, tell them how you’ve been.

Other than that, you can also give some funny and sarcastic responses to WSP, like:

  • The sky!
  • A bird and a plane. Wbu?
  • Me! I’ve been up since 3 AM.
  • Sorry, but that’s confidential!

Alternate Meanings of WSP

Though WSP is widely known as a slang term that is used in online chats and conversations, it can also stand for many other things. If you are curious, just scroll through!


WSP can also mean WhatsApp, the popular chatting platform. So, if someone asks for your “WSP number” or asks if you are on WSP, they are referring to WhatsApp as WSP meaning.

For Example:

  • DM me on WSP!
  • If you come across any problem, just hit me up on WSP.

Web Service Provider

A web service provider is an organization that creates and hosts websites. GoDaddy, WordPress, Microsoft, GitHub, and Dreamhost are some of them. So, if you are learning to build a website and you see this term, it means a web service provider.

For Example:

  • Are you looking for a WSP?
  • Our WSPs services provide top-tier solutions.
  • Head to our WSP page.

What’s Popping?

Many people often think that WSP means “What’s Popping?”, and they are right. What’s popping is a casual way to ask if something fun is going on.

For Example:

  • WSP? Do you have any plans to hit the club tonight?
  • WSP? How was your prom?

Washington Square Park

Washington Square Park is a popular town square in New York City. So, if you are around NYC, and people seem to be talking about WSP, they probably mean the iconic park with the Italian-style arch and a large fountain.

For Example:

  • I’m going to WSP. Do you want to meet up there?
  • I went to WSP, and it was really relaxing.

White Skin Privilege

White skin privilege is a topic that often comes up while discussing sociology or socio-political theories. It means the benefit that white people receive in European or Western cultures.

Here are some other things WSP stands for, depending on the various contexts.

  • Wholesale Price
  • Water and sanitation program
  • Working Steam Pressure
  • Wireless Session Protocol
  • World Solar Programme
  • Westport (Amtrak station code)
  • Water Supply Point
  • Windows Service Pack
  • Waspam Airport, Nicaragua (airport code)
  • Weapon Support Processor
  • Wheel Slip Protection / Wheel Slide Protection
  • Washington State Patrol
  • Widespread Panic

Ultimately, if we are talking about slang, WSP meaning is “What’s up?”

Wrapping Up!

So, if your kids use WSP while chatting with friends, you can rest assured. It is just a harmless abbreviation used to greet people.

However, as a parent, you must make sure your kids are not involved in any dangerous activities going on the internet. Apart from that, it would be better if you keep a happy relationship with your children to avoid extreme spying.


What does WSP mean in text?

WSP means “What’s up?” in a text message.

What does WSP mean?

WSP means “What’s up?” and is used as an informal way to ask someone what they have been up to or how they’ve been.

What does WBU stands for?

WBU stands for “What about you?”

How to respond to WSP in a text?

You can respond to WSP in a text with “Nothing much. Wbu?”

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