These can be data breaches, malware, ransomware attacks, or some other malicious attack. Being a business owner myself, this is a matter of huge concern for me, as businesses often become an easy target for cyber attackers due to the nature of their operations.
Since my company relies heavily on digital analytics tools for various operations, it becomes necessary for me to take extra preventative measures to make these tools as secure as possible to tackle the growing cyber risks.
Here are six security features I look for in an analytic tool to protect my business, stay compliant with all the rules and regulations, and keep my company’s reputation clear.
Data encryption
Data encryption is one of the most important features that I look into when getting analytical digital tools. Digital dangers are constantly looming over our business like a dangerous cloud, so we need to make sure our company protects itself and its data.
While searching for tools, I always ensure that they are end-to-end encrypted. This means that the data is encrypted during the whole process, meaning it will remain protected at all times.
Also, I go for a tool that encrypts even backup data because it is frequently targeted by attacks. You might know how hard it is nowadays to be secure when one does not use tools that protect the data that they use.
In many places, if you want to adhere to regulations, you will have to encrypt all your data transfers, so having tools that are properly encrypted will make everything much easier.
DO YOU KNOW? The digital analytics software market is on the rise and is projected to be worth $8.8 billion by 2031.
User interaction
As a serious and responsible company, we require security features that can safely collect and analyze all our customers’ data within an app or website. For that, we use Session Replay, as it can capture and display all important information on one platform, which improves usability, enhances security and compliance, and helps our company maximize customer experience and satisfaction.
By using tools like API calls, network details, and user platforms, we are able to understand our customers better, which will help us get to the point of any user session. With its help, we can also control user interactions in the real world or as recordings, to help spot any usual behavior that can be a sign of some danger that needs to be fixed immediately.
This usually includes suspicious navigation patterns, many unsuccessful logins, or access to some protected parts of a website. By fixing these risks, our company is able to stay compliant and keep our customers’ data protected, which increases our reliability and reputation. Therefore, this is an essential tool for contemporary analytics systems, as it improves customer experience, security, and compliance.
Compliance with regulations
I always make sure that our digital analytics tools are compliant with all laws and regulations in order to be secure and protect our business. Otherwise, there is a possibility of facing hefty fines, reputation harms, and losing customers’ trust, all of which can have quite negative consequences for our success and long-term performance.
I do my best to prioritize data privacy and transparency with the right digital analytics platforms, which will help my business stay compliant and have more control over our customers’ personal data, data tracking, and consent management abilities.
Also, to provide the best customer experience, we also make sure to use security features that let our customers withdraw their personal information whenever they want and need it, this builds client trust and makes them feel safe using our platform.
Encryption, access control, and regular audits all have their roles in making a company more secure and compliant with all important regulations, and that is why I focus on these critical insights.
Backup recovery
Using the right digital tools helps us back up our information and recover any lost data in case of breaches or unexpected issues. Such failures can occur at times of cyberattacks, system crashes, or natural disasters, hence, it is quite important to have strong security features that can help recover all the data immediately and without turning into any major issues.
Such backups must be automated and stored in many different places, this will help ensure that our data is still accessible if any of those locations is attacked or damaged. Also, this helps us stay compliant and in line with all data protection standards.
With this, our company operates without any problems, keeps downtime to a minimum, and is agile and strong when facing such risks if you put those measures in place. So I can say that backup recovery plans are your best friends if you want all of your data to be safe and sound.
DO YOU KNOW? 57% of organizations see weekly or daily phishing attempts. Phishing attacks account for more than 80% of reported security incidents.
Audit logs
Even so, our company tries to make sure that it is as difficult as possible for attacks to be successful. Still, we have placed tools that allow us to investigate a breach so that it can be prevented in the future, and this also increases our chances to find where the attack is coming from.
So I would advise you to work with tools that have good audit logs where everything that has been done with them can be seen and analyzed easily. This feature is really helpful in determining whether there are breaches in the protocol that allow unauthorized entry.
Regular updates
Another feature that I always look into when searching for analytical tools is to get regular updates. This makes our business operations as secure as possible. With each day passing, attacks are getting more sophisticated. The developers cannot sit idle, they need to improve as well.
That is why I always investigate whether the tools that I am choosing update their security system in order to defend my company from the possible future attacks that it may face in the future.
After all that we discussed in this article, I can say that the right digital analytics tools are an important part of any company, and one should implement strong security features to help them operate effectively and smoothly.
Some of the features that should be your top priority when looking for security tools include encryption, user interaction, compliance with regulations, backup recovery plans, regular updates, and audit logs. This will allow you to keep your company’s reputation as one that values its customers and their sensitive data the most.