Boujee Meaning: Definition, Use Cases, Origin, Practical Examples, and More

Gaurav Rathore
Gaurav Rathore

Tech Writer

His write-ups blend creativity, personal experience, and tailored technical advice, meeting reader needs effectively.

6 min read

Boujee pronounced as “boo-jee” is a slang term that has gained popularity in various cultural contexts. You may find it hard to believe, but this term has a rich history and has been used since the 16th century!

Its meaning has evolved with time and varies accordingly. Not only the meaning, there are two versions of this term – Bougie and Boujee.

I know you’re as confused as I was, but never mind, I will delve into every nuance of this term and help you understand its usage, origin, and evolution. 

Quick Answer

Boujee, derived from the French word “bourgeoisie,” initially referred to a middle-class lifestyle. Today, it describes someone who enjoys luxury but remains humble.

What Does Boujee Mean?

Boujee is a hip-hop slang term that can be used to describe something luxurious in lifestyle but having a humble character. However, it is influenced by and often interchanged with another slang term, “bougie,” which I will come to later in this write-up.

Today, people use boujee in their daily conversations whenever they need to compliment someone who has made their own wealth despite growing up in inadequate circumstances and prefers to be down to earth. It is one of the slang terms that came from hip-hop, like Dope and GOAT.

If this example given here doesn’t help you understand the meaning of boujee and its usage, I suggest going further with this blog.  

The Origin of Boujee

Both slang terms boujee and bougie originated in the 16th century and from the French word bourgeoisie, which was used to define an emerging merchant class. The people belonging to this class earned high-class status due to their sudden income and were given a specific term. 

However, in the 18th century, the term was used to insult someone who was materialistic, conventional, and complacent. Not only this, but the actual meaning changed with time, and by 1970, the meaning of boujee was “middle class” only.

Did You Know?

In 2016, a hip-hop song released by the trio Migos was titled “Bad and Boujee.” It literally introduced a new spelling to the term bougie: boujee, and made it popular among people.
In the song, the singer says that his love interest is materially successful but still down to earth; which means boujee.

Boujee vs Bougie – Clearing the Confusion

I have already mentioned “boujee” and “bougie” a few times, which might have confused you a bit.

So, to clear up the confusion, let’s understand the meaning of both. First, boujee is an African-American slang term that is used to describe someone who comes from a well-to-do family but is pretty down to earth.

On the other hand, “bougie” is another slang term often used in place of boujee. It is even pronounced the same way but has a slightly different meaning. So, bougie is used to insult someone who lives a normal middle-class life but tries hard to pretend that they’re pretty well-to-do and sophisticated. Take EMO as an example.

Furthermore, as the meaning of boujee has evolved, it’s just a term people use to describe something unpleasant or have an underlying meaning.

Evolution of the Word Boujee

With time passing by, the meaning of Boujee has transformed in many ways. In the 18th century, the term was used to refer to middle-class values. Nevertheless, it became more critical later, when socialists emerged. They counted them as upper-middle class, which conflicted with the “proletarians,” or ordinary working people. Moreover, the “bourgeoisie” were thought to be obsessed with materialism and property; thus, they were considered to be the supporters of capitalism.

In the 1960s, the short form of “bourgeois” – “bougie” or “bourgie” — started being used. Unfortunately, the term had a negative meaning and was used for someone with aspirations above their social status. This will include people who were trying too hard to achieve a level of respectability they didn’t really have.

In modern times, boujee is just a slang term used to describe someone who prefers a luxury lifestyle but sticks to their roots and is humble. All-in-all, boujee can have multiple meanings; it could mean extravagant, excessively trendy, bombastic, or cash-fixated.

How to Use Boujee in a Sentence?

Considering the fact that boujee can have multiple meanings, using it in a sentence may create confusion. So, to understand how to use boujee in a sentence, you must look at the examples given below:

Using Bougie as an Adjective

Here are some examples where bougie is used as an adjective:

  • “That girl is so bougie, she won’t shop at budget-friendly stores and won’t eat cheap food.”
  • “Despite having a limited budget, she just can’t stop being bougie.”
  • “His boujee lifestyle includes expensive cars, designer clothes, and luxury vacations.”

Using Bougie/Boujee Online

People often use boujee/bougie online, here are some examples:

  • “Feeling boujee today with my new designer handbag!”
  • “The place recently opened nearby my place is super bougie, the avocado toast made my day!”

Using Bougie as a Noun

Bougie can also be used as a noun. Take a look at some examples below:

  • “Yesterday, I went to my neighbor’s wedding anniversary party, they hosted a bougie dinner party with a private chef and vintage wine.”
  • “He always insists on staying in Boujee hotels whenever we travel.”

Wrapping Up – Is Boujee a Safe Term for Children?

When considering the term “boujee” for children, it’s important to assess its appropriateness and potential implications. Basically, the meaning of this term revolves around being flashy and having a luxurious lifestyle, which also carries connotations of materialism or pretentiousness.

Young minds must refrain from using such complex slang like KYS that may turn out to be offensive. As a parent, I suggest you explain its meaning that emphasizes respect and understanding rather than judgment.


Does Boujee mean luxury?

Yes, boujee can be used for someone who indulges in some of the luxuries and prefers an expensive lifestyle.

Is boujee a compliment?

Today, boujee can be considered a compliment. It is used for someone who’s enjoying a (well-earned) lifestyle in luxury but still is humble.

What is a bougie Gen Z slang?

Boujee / Bougie is a common slang for Gen Z that denotes something very fancy or luxurious.

  • boujee –
  • bougie – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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