Python vs Other Languages_ A Features Comparison

Gaurav Rathore
Gaurav Rathore

Tech Writer

His write-ups blend creativity, personal experience, and tailored technical advice, meeting reader needs effectively.

5 min read

“Programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out.”

 – Chris Pine (Author)

Python is among the most famous programming language names, so much so that even if you are not a developer or a programmer, there is a high possibility that you must have heard this name. 

After all, it is the third most popular computer language in the world, with over 51% of respondents in a survey saying that they regularly use this for their projects. (Statista: Most Used Programming Languages) This highlights the importance of Python for developers around the world. 

But have you ever wondered what features make it such an important tool when there are various other languages available? 

In this article, we will stack this dynamically typed and interpreted language against some other famous ones to understand its appeal, and experts from CodingCops will provide their insights into this. 

So stay tuned to learn how this three-decade-old language is still standing strong among various other newly developed scripts. 

Python Vs. Java

Starting our comparison with another one of the most famous programming languages, Java. Here is how it goes: 


Python is an interpreted and easy-to-learn programming language, some of the noteworthy features are as follows:

  •  It is also an OOP language with extensive library support, making it easy to build software and algorithms. 
  • Its language constructs and object-oriented approach help developers write clear, logical codes. 
  • Python libraries can be used for building ML models, GUI applications like PyQT, web frameworks like Django, image processing, and web scraping.

The graph below represents the popularity of programming languages, it can be observed that Python still tops the list. 


Similar to Python, Java is another OOP language developed by Sun Microsystems. It has a similar syntax to C and C++ but their difficulty levels differ and it is easier than the other. 

Also, Its coding philosophy is WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere), which means that the compiled Java code can work efficiently on different platforms without recompilation. In addition to that, Java can be used to develop GUI applications, mobile applications, artificial intelligence, Big Data technology, and gaming applications.

Here’s a comparison table between Python and Java to help you understand better.

AttributesPython Java
CodePython has fewer lines of code.Java has long lines of code. 
SyntaxThe syntax is almost similar to the human language. Java has a complex syntax. 
FrameworkPython has a limited number of frameworks. Java has several frameworks.
SpeedPython is slightly slower because it uses an interpreter. Moreover, it determines data types at run time. Java is faster compared to Python. 
DatabasesPython’s database access layers are weaker compared to Java’s JDBC. Java Database Connectivity is widely used to connect with databases.
Machine Learning LibrariesPyTorch, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn Weka, Deeplearning4j, MOA
Multiple InheritancePython completely supports multiple inheritance. Java only partially supports multiple inheritance through interfaces.

Python Vs. Ruby

Coming to the next comparison, Ruby is another widely used programming script. The features of Ruby are as follows: 


Ruby is a dynamic and reflective programming source code and a server-side scripting language. Everything in this is treated as an object, except for the blocks. Hence, it acts as a buffer between programmers and the computing machinery.

Additionally, developers are not required to write excessive lines in Ruby, allowing speedy development of web applications. Also, it’s almost similar to the human language; thus,  easier to comprehend.

The table below represents how it stacks up against Python.

Object OrientedIt is not a fully OOP language. Ruby is a fully OOP language.  
Developing EnvironmentPython supports multiple IDEs. It also supports multiple IDEs like Atom and NetBeans. 
Web FrameworksDjangoRuby on Rails
LibrariesSupports a wide range of libraries. It has fewer libraries compared to Ruby. 
Lambda FunctionsPython only supports single-line lambda functions. Supports a large number of lambda functions. 
Built-in classesClasses cannot be modified. Classes can be modified. 
TuplesPython supports tuples. Ruby doesn’t support tuples. 

Python Vs. Go

For the last comparison, we are stacking Python against Go, here is how GO differs from it: 


It is a procedural programming script designed by Google. It was built to facilitate the development of backend services. Additionally, in Go, packages are used to assemble programs.  

Hence, this ensures effective management of dependencies.  On top of that, it also supports environment-adopting patterns like dynamic languages, and it is optimized for microservice architecture.

So, now, let’s see a systematic comparison of both the languages: 

TypePython is dynamically typed.Go is statically typed.
Syntax Interpreted with dynamic typing. Go is similar to C language with explicit types. 
ConcurrencyPython supports concurrency through libraries. Go has built-in concurrency support. 
Memory ManagementPython manages memory automatically. Developers have to manually manage memory in Go. 
Package ManagementPython has a package manager (pip) and virtual environments (virtualenv).Go has a built-in module system. 
Frameworks Django, Pyramid, and FlaskGin, Gorilla, and Beego
Error HandlingException-basedExplicit
Compilation Python code is compiled to Bytecode. Go code is compiled into machine code.

Final Words

So, after all that we discussed, it can be said that like all programming languages, Python has its benefits and its limitations. 

Beyond that, it’s great for building ML models and GUIs. However, remember that if you require high-performance or low-level system access, you have the option of using other programming languages.

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